Does your back keep waking you up at 5am? Your brain wants more sleep, but your back just can’t handle laying in bed any longer?
There are various reasons why your back gets grumpy in the morning.
1. Your Mattress.
If you find that when you’re away from home you sleep better, then the solution is to find out what mattress you’re sleeping on well, and get that mattress. As simple as that.
If your back is grumpy no matter what bed you sleep on, keep reading.
2. It Could Be A Disc Problem.
How would you know this? If you spend too much of your day sitting, there’s a good chance that you have a disc problem.
A disc is like a jelly donut, it has a firm thick wall and a jelly centre that helps absorb shock.
By the end of the day your discs are thinner due to the various postures and activities such as sitting, standing, lifting. Much of the water content of the discs dissipates and you are literally shorter by the end of the day.
Now you go to bed, putting the least amount of stress on your back and discs. This allows the discs to rehydrate. Water literally flows back into the discs. This increases the amount of pressure within the disc.
So where’s the problem you ask? Normally, that is not a problem, in fact that is good and normal.
But if you have a disc injury, the problem is that the wall of your disc doesn’t like this increased pressure as it pushes out on the injured wall causing pain.
So, you get out of bed, walk around for 5min, or have a nice shower causing water to leave the disc a bit and therefore pressure within the disc to decrease, and now your back stops being grumpy.
It is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional, preferably a chiropractor or orthopaedic specialist, to tailor advice to your specific situation. Here are some potential chiropractic-based strategies:
Spinal Adjustments:
Chiropractors may use spinal adjustments to address misalignments (subluxations) in the spine, particularly in the affected area of the disc injury. This could potentially relieve pressure and improve mobility.
Flexion-Distraction Technique:
This specialised chiropractic technique involves a gentle, non-thrusting stretching motion that aims to decompress the spine. It can be beneficial for disc-related issues.
Soft Tissue Therapy:
Chiropractors may use soft tissue techniques, such as massage or myofascial release, to target tight muscles and improve flexibility around the affected area. A remedial massage therapist can be a great complementary option to relieve disc injury pain.
Lifestyle Recommendations:
Chiropractors often provide advice on lifestyle modifications, including proper posture, ergonomic adjustments, and specific exercises to support spine health.
Strengthening Exercises:
Chiropractors may prescribe specific exercises to strengthen the muscles supporting the spine. Strengthening the core and back muscles can help stabilise the spine and reduce the risk of further injury.
Ice and Heat Therapy:
Alternating between ice and heat therapy may be recommended to manage inflammation and relax muscles. However, the choice between ice and heat should be based on the nature of your injury.
Remember, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare professional who can assess your specific condition and provide personalised recommendations. They can also guide you on the appropriate intensity and frequency of chiropractic treatments based on your individual needs and response to care.
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